Aiyan Diabetes Center
A Tamilan healthcare system.
Address: 462 Furys Ferry Road, Augusta, GA 30907

Aiyan Diabetes Center
A Tamilan healthcare system.

"Aiyan Diabetes Center is a Comprehensive Diabetes Care Center with state-of-the-art technology, located in Augusta, Georgia since 2005. Our mission is to early detect, diagnose, treat, and conduct clinical research for patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Type II."
"Knowledge through research with continuous improvement towards Center of Excellence"
-Dr Sivakumar Jayabalan Ph.D., (M.B.A.)
Founder and CEO
Eye and Retinal
Clinical Trials
Aiyan Clinical Trials division signs agreement with Ora Inc., for Ophthalmology Trials

Diabetes Foot Ulcer Trials
Aiyan Clinical Trials division signs agreement with Indiana University for the Diabetes Foot Ulcer Study.
Dr Janaki Nadarajah DPM
Thanks! Dr Sivakumar J.

P.A.D Trials
Aiyan Clinical Trials Division signs agreement with NovaNordisk for The STRIDE study on P.A.D>
Dr Janaki Nadarajah DPM
Ranking No:1
in successful recruitment
and randomization.

Endocrinology Trials
We are looking for Endocrinology Trials from Pharmaceutical companies.

Clinical Trial Rooms
19 Exam Rooms: 16,200 Sq.Ft Center

Clinical Trials Director
Lab. Director
Regulatory, Budget&Contracts, Advertising
Dr Jay Ph.D (MBA).

Prestigious Studies
CLEVER Trial-Harvard, EUCLID Trial -Duke