Aiyan Diabetes Center
A Tamilan healthcare system.
Address: 462 Furys Ferry Road, Augusta, GA 30907

Aiyan Diabetes Center
A Tamilan healthcare system.

"Aiyan Diabetes Center is a Comprehensive Diabetes Care Center with state-of-the-art technology, located in Augusta, Georgia since 2005. Our mission is to early detect, diagnose, treat, and conduct clinical research for patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Type II."
"Knowledge through research with continuous improvement towards Center of Excellence"
-Dr Sivakumar Jayabalan Ph.D., (M.B.A.)
Founder and CEO

Referring Physicians
Vascular surgeons, Interventional Cardiologists, Podiatrist, Retina Specialist, Endocrinologists and Metabolic Disorders Phsyicians dedicate their entire training to address the full spectrum of Diabetes Mellitus, Vascular health, Retina, and its diseases. Thank you for your partnership in choosing the Aiyan Diabetes Center and it"s EndoVascular Center to guide the treatment of your patient’s vascular disease proactively by referring your patients to us.
For your convenience, please send your Patient Referrals
(include patient demographics, insurance information, and approvals, if needed)
directly to our fax at (706) 868-3719.
Need help with referrals or have any questions, contact Randa Dixon L.P.N, Referral Clerk at (706)-868-0360.